

ISBT-128 Symbology Information

The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) is founded in 1935.
Now, ISBT has become an international standard for the transfer of information associated with tissue transplantation and blood transfusion. It provides for a globally unique donation numbering system, internationally standardized product definitions, and standard data structures for bar coding and electronic data interchange.

ICCBBA (International Council for Commonality in Blood Bank Automation) was established in 1994 to help the implementation of ISBT-128. Any facility that implements ISBT128 must register with ICCBBA.

The ISBT-128 bar code begins with a Subset B start character, and ends with a modulo 103 check character and a stop character.

When print on container label, the nominal X-dimension (single bar width) of ISBT-128 bar code is 0.010" (0.25 mm),
the height of ISBT-128 bar code should be 0.39" (10mm).
Human-readable text is printed below the ISBT128 barcode.
