data matrix barcode data matrix barcode Visual C++
data matrix barcode
Price: US$129

To print Data Matrix barcode in Visual C++ application, you need Barcodesoft bcsdatamatrix.ttf true type font and cruflbcs.dll .

If you download and install the demo of Barcodesoft Data Matrix software on your computer, you will find crUFLBCS.dll from
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\Fontutil\" folder.

If you don't find cruflbcs.dll on your computer, please download it from DataMatrix Barcode VC++ .

crUFLBCS.dll is a COM object with IDataMatrix interface.
You can find detailed information about IDataMatrix interface from readme.html.

To call the methods of IDataMatrix interface from VC++, you can use either Late Binding or Early Binding.

Late binding is used when type information of an object is unavailable at compile time.

Early binding requires the client to get access to the type library before compile.

Late Binding

Your codes using late binding to generate Data Matrix barcode run slower than using Early Binding.

However, your codes are version-independent as long as COM interface and method parameters remain unchanged.
CLSID clsid;
if (FAILED(::CLSIDFromProgID(L"cruflbcs.DataMatrix.1", &clsid)))
return 0;
IDispatch* pIDispatch = NULL;
if (FAILED(::CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pIDispatch)))
return 0;
LPOLESTR szNameEncode = L"Encode";
DISPID dispid_encode;
HRESULT hr = pIDispatch->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szNameEncode, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &dispid_encode);
CComBSTR bstrResult;
v[0].vt = VT_BSTR; v[0].bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"Barcodesoft Sample");
DISPPARAMS dispParams = { v, NULL, 1, 0 };
VARIANT vResult;
hr = pIDispatch->Invoke( dispid_encode, IID_NULL, GetUserDefaultLCID(), DISPATCH_METHOD,
&dispParams, &vResult, NULL, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr))
return 0;

Early Binding

Your codes using early binding to create Data Matrix barcode run faster than using Late Binding.

1. Import type library. Don't forget to call
CoInitialize() before using COM interface.

2. If you want to use T2OLE macro to convert LPTSTR into LPOLESTR, you need to call USES_CONVERSION macro first.

3. You may either call Encode method or EncodeCR method to encode data matrix with options.
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlconv.h>

#import "cruflbcs.dll"
using namespace cruflBCS;

_bstr_t bstrOutput;
char pszToEncode[] = "Barcodesoft Sample";
cruflBCS::IDataMatrixPtr pBCSDataMatrix(__uuidof(CBCSDataMatrix));
bstrOutput = pBCSDataMatrix->Encode(T2OLE(pszToEncode));
catch (const _com_error& e)
_tprintf(_T("Error: 0x%08x %s\n"), e.Error(), e.ErrorMessage());

MFC Wrapper Class Data Matrix

Use MFC to Generate Wrapper Class

If you use VC++ 6 to create Data Matrix barcode , press Ctrl + W to start Class Wizard. Then click "Add Class" button, choose "From a type library".
Choose crUFLBCS.dll, then select IDataMatrix Interface that you want to add wrappers to, then click OK.

If you use Visual Studio 2003 or above to generate Data Matrix barcode ,
1. On the Project menu, select Add Class.
2. Select MFC Class from Typelib from the list of templates.
3. For Add Class from, select Registry.
4. In the list of available type libraries, find crUFLBCS.
5. From the list of interfaces in that type library, select all classes for which you want to add wrappers.
6. Click Finish.

Please don't forget to call OleInitialize(NULL) before using the following code snippet.
CString strOutput;
IDataMatrix *pDataMatrixObj = new IDataMatrix();
if ( pDataMatrixObj->CreateDispatch("cruflbcs.DataMatrix.1")
strOutput = pDataMatrixObj->Encode("Barcodesoft Sample");

Fore more information about Data Matrix, please click data matrix.
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