
Non-printable Character Input

When you have trouble typing in a non-printable character to encode, do NOT worry.

Launch Barcodesoft encoder, the same solution as HTML number is used to input non-printable character.

For example, &# 4; represent < ET >,
&# 28; represent < FS > ;
&# 29; represent < GS > ;
&# 30; represent < RS > ;
&# 31; represent < US > .

Actually, you can also input printable character in this way, if you feel like the hassle.

Here is a list of non-printable ASCII characters.

NUL &#38;#0; DLE &#38;#16;
SOH &#38;#1; DC1 &#38;#17;
STX &#38;#2; DC2 &#38;#18;
ETX &#38;#3; DC3 &#38;#19;
EOT &#38;#4; DC4 &#38;#20;
ENQ &#38;#5; NAK &#38;#21;
ACK &#38;#6; SYN &#38;#22;
BEL &#38;#7; ETB &#38;#23;
BS &#38;#8; CAN &#38;#24;
HT &#38;#9; EM &#38;#25;
LF &#38;#10; SUB &#38;#26;
VT &#38;#11; ESC &#38;#27;
FF &#38;#12; FS &#38;#28;
CR &#38;#13; GS &#38;#29;
SO &#38;#14; RS &#38;#30;
SI &#38;#15; US &#38;#31;
DEL &#38;#127;