SEMI Font semi ocr font
SEMI font image

Please visit Wafer Marking Studio for more information.

Please install 64-bit Net Core SDK 9 from Microsoft before installing Wafer Marking Studio.
Semi OCR Font
semi ocr font download
  • SEMI Font
  • SEMI M12
  • SEMI M13
semi font

Please visit Wafer Marking Studio for more information.

semi font space SEMI font demo

Barcodesoft SEMI OCR font package provides a simple solution for laser-marking alphanumeric data on the front surface of wafers and allows automatic Optical Character Reading (OCR).

With Barcodesoft SEMI font, a Windows computer and a laser scriber, you can mark on wafer as if you are "printing" on it.

Barcodesoft SEMI OCR font is designed in full compliance with SEMI M12/M13-1103 standard, which specifies the shapes and dimensions of 26 alpha characters, 10 numeral characters, dash and period and SEMI font.

The specification was approved by Global Traceability Committee and North American Traceability Committee.

When print at point size 12, Barcodesoft SEMI (OCR) font characters have the following nominal dimensions:

Character Height Character Width Stroke Width Character Spacing
SEMI Font 1.624 millimeter 0.812 millimeter 0.2 millimeter 1.420 millimeter

There are three true type fonts included in the package: BcsSEMI, SEMI-Single-Simple, and SEMI-Double-Simple.

BcsSEMI is a traditional true type font. Its character set is shown below
traditional semi font

SEMI-Single-Simple is a single density dot matrix font. Its character set is shown below
semi font single density

SEMI-Double-Simple is a double density dot matrix font. Its character set is shown below
semi font double density

If you download Barcodesoft SEMI font demo and install on your computer, you will find a Windows application Encoder. It comes in handy when you need to calculate checksum for either SEMI M12 or SEMI M13.

Some characters in the demo SEMI font have "Demo" watermarks.

You can integrate Barcodesoft OCR SDK with your own application. To get Optical Character Recognition Software Development Kit (OCR SDK) for SEMI font, please click OCR SDK.

semi ocr font download SEMI font image semi ocr font order
SEMI font image
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See Also
SEMI-T7 Data Matrix
SEMI T8 software
SEMI T9 software
SEMI G71 barcode software
SEMI G83 software