SEMI Font semi ocr font
Price: US$799
SEMI font image

This product has been discontinued and has been replaced by the innovative Wafer Marking Studio.

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  • SEMI Font
  • SEMI M12
  • SEMI M13
semi font

This product has been discontinued and has been replaced by the innovative Wafer Marking Studio.

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Barcodesoft SEMI OCR字型提供了一種簡單而且方便的解決方案,從而可以在晶片的前表面打印字母數字信息,進而使得光學字符識別稱為可能(OCR).

Barcodesoft SEMI OCR字型是完全按照SEMI M12/M13-1103標準的要求來設計的,該標準詳細論述了26大寫字母, 10數字字符,破折號和句號的大小以及形狀.

該標準已經由Global Traceability Committee和North American Traceability Committee批准.

當使用12號字型打印的時候, Barcodesoft SEMI (OCR)字型的字符有如下的理論大小:

Character Height Character Width Stroke Width Character Spacing
SEMI Font 1.624 millimeter 0.812 millimeter 0.2 millimeter 1.420 millimeter

一個基於視窗的程序Encoder將可以為您計算SEMI M12或者SEMI M13的校驗碼.

SEMI Font Pricing List
License Single User 5-User Corporate Developer 5-Developer Unlimited Developer
Price CAD1199 CAD1399 CAD2599 CAD2799 CAD2999 CAD3999
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SEMI font image
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Technical Support
See Also
SEMI-T7 Data Matrix
SEMI T8 software
SEMI T9 software
SEMI G71 barcode software
SEMI G83 software