code16k barcode Code16K barcode
code16k barcode
Price: US$139
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  • Code16K Barcode
code16k barcode
code16k barcode code16k barcode

Code16K is a multi-row barcode symbology designed to encode the full ASCII and extended ASCII character set.

A Code16K barcode symbol consists of 2 to 16 rows of data.
When all 16 rows are employed, a Code 16K symbol is able to encode 77 ASCII characters or 154 numeric characters.

When you use Barcodesoft Code16K barcode font to print barcode from your Windows computer and desktop printer, please use our Encoder calculate checksum for you.

There are 7 code16k barcode fonts included in the package. Each code16k font typeface has its unique aspect ratio as listed in the table below.

Barcodesoft Code16k Demo is fully functional even with the "Demo" watermark.

Barcodesoft Code16K barcode fonts are available in true type, PostScript and PCL formats and can be embedded into Adobe PDF files.

For non-printable character input, please click

Aspect Ratio Font Typeface
XXS Code16kXXS
XS Code16kXS
S Code16kS
M Code16kM
L Code16kL
XL Code16kXL
XXL Code16kXXL

Code16K Barcode Pricing List

License Single User 10-User Site Corporate Developer Unlimited Developer
Price $139 $399 $499 $599 $699 $1799
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See Also
Data Matrix
PDF417 Barcode
QR Code
Aztec Barcode