- MICR Font
- FlashCard
- USB FlashDrive
- DaughterCard
Barcodesoft provides MICR font in multiple formats (e.g., SIMMS, DIMMs, Daughter Cards, Flash Cards, USB drives etc.) However, please note that SIMMs are a very old technology and may not be available any longer dependent on the printer in question.
We have a 30 day return for replacement policy for any units that do not install properly or are received in some type of damaged state. Barcodesoft MICR products are tested and retested for defects in 15 different check points before they leave our office. Furthermore, if the unit is installed properly and is recognized by the printer or actually prints the MICR line properly at least once, the unit is functioning properly.
Below please find Barcodesoft pricing list for HP printers, Lexmark printers, Dell printers, and Kyocera Printers. Shipping is already included in this price.
We offer bulk discounts on all products. Please contact us for quote.
MICR SIMM, DIMM, FlashCard, USB FlashDrive for HP Printers
MICR Product |
HP FlashCard |
HP USB FlashDrive |
Price |
$299 |
$399 |
$399 |
$399 |
MICR SIMM, DIMM, DaughterCard for Lexmark Printers
MICR Product |
Lexmark SIMM |
Lexmark DIMM |
Lexmark 16M DaughterCard |
Lexmark 32M DaughterCard |
Price |
$399 |
$399 |
$399 |
$399 |
MICR DaughterCard for Dell Printers
MICR Product |
Dell DaughterCard Printer |
Price |
$399 |
MICR FlashCard for Kyocera Printers
MICR Product |
Kyocera FlashCard Printer |
Price |
$399 |