To print
Aztec code in C#, you need both
bcsaztec.ttf true type font and
cruflbcsn.dll .
To get cruflbcsn.dll, you can either download it from
Aztec Barcode C# ,
or you can generate cruflbcsn.dll if you already have cruflbcs.dll.
tlbimp is a utility of Windows SDK. It converts type definitions of a COM object to equivalent definitions in a common language runtime assembly that you can use in C#.
tlbimp cruflbcs.dll /out:cruflbcsn.dll
Most updated cruflbcs.dll can be download from the following URL:
Aztec barcode C#.
Print Aztec Barcode In C#
Add reference to cruflbcsn.dll from your C# project first.
Then use code snippet below to get an Aztec barcode in C#
using cruflbcsn;
cruflbcsn.IAztec pAztec = new CAztec();
textBox2.Text = pAztec.Encode(textBox1.Text);
Or you can use code snippet below to customize an Aztec Code in C#
using cruflbcsn;
cruflbcsn.IAztec pAztec = new CAztec();
textBox2.Text = pAztec.EncodeCR(textBox1.Text, 0, 0, 0);
The first parameter is string to encode.
The second parameter is index, always set it to zero.
The third parameter in the formula field is format option. Set it to default value 0 for auto-selection.
The fourth parameter in the formula field is error correction level. Its default value is 5 or 23%.